Experience the Difference
Our Services
Chiropractic Adjustment
Our techniques are individualized and varied, from a gentle approach using soft tissue mobilization to a high velocity low amplitude thrust. We aim for the goldilocks zone and cater to each patient for their individual needs. From infancy to old age we are here to help you function at your best.
Expert Advice
Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime. We take the time to teach our patients how to take care of themselves. As much as we may like you, we don’t want to see you all the time. Ultimately, our goal is to help you help yourself.
Massage Therapy
Our highly trained board certified massage therapists are skilled in a variety of techniques.
Myofascial Release, Deep Tissue, Trigger Point, Visceral Massage, Cupping, Scraping and Swedish.
Hours of Operation
Monday 9am-4pm
Tuesday 9am-5pm
Wednesday 9am-5pm
Thursday 9am-5pm
Friday- Massage by appointment only
What Patients Say About Us.
“Dr Christensen has Hague hands. He finds all the places I didn’t even know needed attention and fixes them right up! His massage therapists are pretty awesome too!” -Lila Willardson
“Dr Christensen and staff are not only a staple in my wellness protocol, but it feels like family when you enter and leave their facility. I highly recommend them to others looking for chiropractic care.” -Pam Doer
“Great Doctor who really cares about his patients!” -Lori Luff
“Love this place and the doctor is great I box and kick box and he understands what my body goes through and he gets me back on the mat! -Nicole Tilden